

Should I Choose Recycled or Biodegradable Poly Mailers?

As online shopping has become more popular, the demand for shipping supplies such as plastic mailing bags has also increased. However, with growing concerns about the environment, many individuals and businesses are seeking alternatives to traditional poly mailer. Two popular options are recycled poly mailers and biodegradable mailers. In this article, we'll explore the differences between these two options and help you decide which one is best for you.

Recycled poly mailers are made from recycled plastic materials, such as post-consumer recycled plastic. By using recycled materials, these mailers help reduce waste and the need for new plastic production. They're just as durable and water-resistant as traditional poly mailers, making them a solid choice for your shipping needs. Opting for recycled plastic mailing bags is a great way to reduce your carbon footprint and contribute to a circular economy.

Biodegradable mailing bags, on the other hand, are designed to break down naturally and safely in the environment. They're often made from materials like cornstarch or plant-based plastics that break down over time. Biodegradable mailers are an excellent option for those who prioritize being environmentally friendly and want to support products that have the least environmental impact.

Your specific needs and values must be considered when deciding whether to choose recycled or biodegradable poly mailing bags. If reducing waste is a top priority for you, recycled poly mailer are an excellent choice. By using recycled materials, you can help divert plastic from landfills and avoid the need to produce new plastic. On the other hand, if you are looking for a solution with minimal environmental impact, biodegradable mailing bags may be the perfect choice for you. Over time, these mail pieces will naturally break down, reducing the amount of waste left behind.

It is also important to consider end-of-life options for these messages. Recycled poly mailer can be recycled again after use, creating a continuous recycling cycle. Instead, biodegradable mailer can be composted in industrial composting facilities, ensuring they return to the environment without leaving behind harmful microplastics. Before opting for biodegradable mailer, it's crucial to check to see if these facilities are available in your area, as improper disposal can cause them to end up in landfills.

Another important aspect to consider is cost. Recycled poly mailers tend to be less expensive than biodegradable mailers because the production process is less complicated and the materials are often less expensive. If budget is an important factor for you or your business, recycled poly mailing bags may be a more cost-effective option.

Finally, the perceptions and values of the target audience must be considered. Some consumers take sustainability very seriously, and using a biodegradable mailer may align with their values and increase their trust in your brand. Other consumers may not know the difference between recycled and biodegradable options, so educating them about your options could be an opportunity to demonstrate your commitment to the environment.

In conclusion, both recycled poly mailer bags and biodegradable mailer bags offer an environmentally friendly alternative to traditional plastic mailer bags. Recycled plastic mailers are made from recycled materials, reducing waste and reducing the need for new plastic production. Biodegradable mailing bags, on the other hand, break down naturally in the environment with minimal impact. Consider your specific needs, end-of-life options, costs and target audience values to determine which option is best for you. By making conscious choices, you can contribute to a greener future and demonstrate your commitment to sustainability.

Post time: Jul-19-2023
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